Julia is quite the fashionista! She couldn't wait to have her pictures taken and she is definitely not shy in front of the camera. These pictures definitely show off her carefree spirit!
Today I photographed Sherry and her adorable son Bradley. They are all set for Fourth of July. They were so much fun, and some of the best pictures were captured when they were just having fun!
We had a great time shooting Nicole's Senior pictures. Only one year left and then she is off to college. She has big plans to be the next Taylor Swift, if someone would just teach her how to play the guitar.
Caylin just celebrated her graduation from Delta College. She celebrated with a photo shoot at the coast, while on her annual girls trip. The camera loves her, and she is an absolute natural.
This family was such fun to photograph. The three girls have such personality, and definitely do not want to be told what to do.
So what do you do with kids that want to do their own thing? Let them do their own thing, and keep the camera rolling. They were such a delight, and as you can see even in those stubborn moment you can find a picture that will be cherished for a lifetime!
I'm not your average photographer. I didn't grow up with a passion for photography, in fact I preferred to be in front of the camera rather than behind it. My how things have changed...
I took a trip to New York City in the summer of 2005. I had my first high end digital camera, and I began to take pictures of anything and everything I could. I absolutely fell in love with both New York City and photography. I loved snapping the vertical buildings, and the famous landmarks. I took over 2,000 photos in the eight days that I was in the city. One of my favorite pictures is a black and white that I took while in central park. I still have a couple of those pictures framed and displayed. I absolutely LOVE being a photographer and this summer I look forward to turning my passion into a profession.